The critical need for an Objective View of your Business
It is more common then uncommon, for a business owner to get caught up in the
daily drive of running a business, and getting "too deep into the forest, to see the
trees." There is a real value in backing away from your routine,
to gain a fresh perspective on the
challenges in your business.
It's not so much what you are doing
in the business, but rather what you
are not doing. In other words, your
business is not what it is, but rather
what it could be.
Many times a business owner is
just dealing with the symptoms, and
not the root causes. The owner may
see only the "rose", whereas a trained
eye from the outside can find the "thorn."
The potentials of the business all too often are not in the known, but rather the
unknown. Every business owner is prone to seeing their business based on a "selective
perception". If you are willing o see your business through the eyes of another trained
professional, your perspective will reveal unseen possibilities. It is said that "one idea
if it is right, will save you the labor of an infinity of experiences."